How to use stage plot pro
How to use stage plot pro

how to use stage plot pro

Additionally, actual photographs of your stage layout are useful and provide a true visual for those setting things up before your arrival.

how to use stage plot pro

To be even more specific, I’ve seen people label their plots with measurements of how things should be laid out. Need an extra long XLR? What kind of mic stand do you want? Boom? Straight? Include all of that information either on the stage plot or input list. Is your singer on wireless? Make it known. This means more time for your sound check or line check. Telling the engineer how you want a mic placed (on axis, off axis, distance, etc.) helps them work more efficiently and quickly.

  • Placement of mics – Maybe you are cruising with a non-standard piece of equipment.
  • Oh, shit! What kind of power do you need? Are you using American or European gear? Bollocks, we haven’t the step down convertors!
  • Placement of power – Until future technological developments arrive, we are tethered to the archaic system of “power cords” where we have to “plug in.” Wireless electricity, can you get here already? Need to plug in an amp? Need to plug in a pedal board? Need power for something else? Denote where you need to plug in on your stage plot.
  • On a separate page, you can include notes for the monitor engineer, as far as what a player wants in their mix. Place the rectangle in front of where the player will need their monitor positioned.
  • Placement of monitors – use labeled rectangles (IE: Monitor 1, Monitor 2, etc.), and number the monitor mix.
  • Doesn’t have to be fancy simply write it in a box, and plunk it down where it’s going to be set. Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, Horns, Vocals, Doom Reverbinator, Strings, etc.
  • Placement of gear – use labeled shapes to show where a piece of equipment is going to live on stage.
  • Ok, so the above is important in its own way, but this is the part that really matters. First name and instrument does the trick.
  • Names of band members – People don’t always use it, but sometimes it’s nice to have the people you’re working with for the day know your name when you are thousands of miles away from home.
  • No one wants to dig up an email to find your info. Your name, role, phone number, and email address should suffice.
  • Contact information – the production contact for your band.
  • If it is dated Fall 2012, and it’s Winter 2015, audio begins to question the validity of the plot they are looking at. This allows the person receiving the plot to know that what they are looking at is current.
  • Date – I like to title things with the season and year.
  • You want people to be able to find and utilize your plot, right?
  • Band name – Imagine not putting your name on the plot if you are playing a festival with 100+ other bands.
  • how to use stage plot pro

    What do you need to include when creating a stage plot? The stage plot is a visual representation of how gear is organized on stage. How did it get to be this way? How did they know to put it like this? Allow me to introduce you to the Stage Plot and Input List. Walking onto stage, it was as if an ethereal force had descended and backline, monitors, and mics were all placed exactly where they needed to be. The picture that I am trying to paint is that there are a lot of things that happen before your set, and when you arrive so close to set time, things you have done in advance become even more important. Artist check in, meeting up with the festival liaison, getting your bearings, settling into the dressing room, checking in with production, checking in with backline, loading or crossloading gear to stage, building gear, grabbing a bite to eat, potential press, using the bathroom, etc. There is a certain due process to arriving on site at a festival. With traffic from Oakland into San Francisco, we ended up arriving on site 29 minutes prior to stage time. It was one of those moments on the road where things are out of your control, and travel is either going to work out, or it isn’t, so it’s best to simply relax. With pre-arranged ground transportation botched, the festival hustled and sent us a runner van to get us on site. We had a fly date into a festival in San Francisco, with a tight window of arrival. Our window became even tighter when our flight out of LAX was cancelled, and we were bumped to a later flight, now arriving across the bay in Oakland. Let me offer a recent, real life example of why sending an up to date stage plot and input list when advancing is critically important.

    How to use stage plot pro